Health Checkups
Health CheckUps
Preventive Health Checkups
We have packages for clients who want to take their health check-ups with us. We have:
1. Basic package – this consists of the fundamental tests for screening the health status
2. Adam’s executive package- this is for all the conscious gentlemen, this presents the investigations necessary to ensure complete vitality. It includes all of the key tests needed to check the physical condition of men.
3. Eve’s executive package is to ensure a vital investigation of a female’s health below 35 years of age. It involves gynecological examination, useful to detect diseases like PCOD, fibroids, and ovarian and uterocervical lesions. It involves screening for thyroid status.
4. Adam and Eve’s executive plus package- for all the health-conscious men and women above 40 years, presents the investigations necessary to ensure complete vitality. It also includes all the key tests needed to check the physical condition of men and women.